
An heir was born!








お宮参り--- お宮参りとは赤ちゃんが産まれて、だいたい一ヵ月くらいしてから、神様にお参りに行くことです。正式には母親と一緒に父親側のおばあちゃんが付き添っていき、赤ちゃんに祝着を着せて、赤ちゃんを抱くのはそのおばあちゃんの役目とされています。そしてその時に赤ちゃんに着せる祝着は、母親側の実家が送るとされているようです。

An heir was born!

 What has happened at Sawanoya Inn recently? We have good news. Noriko Sawa had a healthy baby boy on the 4th of June this year (l999). We have been eagerly waiting for the baby for a long time.
The Sawa family named their son "Ryou." The Japanese character for "Ryou" means "truth" or "sincerity" in Japanese. So the name "Ryou" expresses our wish for him to grow up to be a truthful and serious-hearted man. Perhaps Ryou will take over the management at the Sawanoya Inn in the future.

Ryou's data at birth

Birthday: 1:27 pm June 4, l999

Weight: 2.875 grams

Body length: 48.8 cm

Sex: Male

 His father, Arata, comments: "The baby looked rather like a small monkey at birth and his face was similar to mine (!! Arata's !!),
especially a part of his upper nose. But part of his lower nose is similar to his mother."

 Nowadays, grandfather and grandmother dote on their new grandchild.

Traditional Visit to the Shrine

 July 4th, l999 was a fine day despite its being in the middle of the rainy season. Our new baby "Ryou" was dressed in a special festive kimono *. Following the traditional custom for presenting the baby to a Shrine a month after birth, Ryou was held in his grandmother's arms. We visited the Kanda-Myojin Shrine, which is located in central Tokyo.
There, we prayed that Ryou will grow to be a healthy boy. This is a traditional Japanese custom.

 This commemorative photograph was taken by a professional photographer, as is the custom, when we returned from the Shrine.


* kimono: This is a special native dress for a baby's first presentation to the Shinto Shrine one month after birth that was a gift from Ryou's mother's parents, the Harigayas.

 If you are in the area, please drop by and say hello to Ryou. If you ask, we will show you our baby pictures.

Translated into English by Yoshihiro Kitagawa